The flooring’s core is made of resistant HDF board.
Thanks to this flooring offered by Venifloor is more resistant to hits than flooring with thicker layer of wood or solid flooring. It’s all possible, because during the advanced process of production HDF board changes its structure of inner wood. 2-layer or 3-layer floors are made by means of crisscross pattern.
It means that wood – for avoid dwindling – is glued alternately endlong and transversally under the wear layer. A flooring with HDF-core board is a one step further than layered flooring or solid flooring, because it is created thanks to wood grinding. Then it loses a tendency to dessicating/ contraction.
Such compacting of wood under very high pressure along with glues and resins serves of getting high density – starting from 900 kg/ m3. This is the grounding for such big indent-resistance as well as resistance from dampness of rooms.
The reaserches prove that oak board from Venifloor is 41% harder than layered oak board.
See more at: Venifloor researches.